The beginning of 2020 started off slow, so I decided I should use the time to create a self-promotional piece. I wanted the piece to be something that would remain on the potential client’s desk, not just be tossed in the trash. Since it was winter, I decided to create “winter survival kit” with items that they could keep at their desk to use as needed.
I started with felt bags that I found at Target. I replaced the pomp pomp on the zipper with black ribbon and added a first aid cross. I decided to add these items to each kit:
- For fast relief when someone calls in sick — Elka Seltzer
- When work is keeping you from taking lunch — granola bar
- When your to do list gets too long — To Do List pad
- When your work load is driving you to tears — tissue
- When you need an extra hand — mittens
- When you have an emergency — EmergenC
- When you’ve had to bite your lip through a meeting — Chapstick
This was a fun project to imagine and execute.